Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ovi from Nokia

Here is a video from LeWeb3 where Ari Virtanen from Nokia presents the Ovi concept. Have a look!

Interesting indeed. Let's see when it goes live fully.

This is the first time I have seen any details around Ovi.

According to a press release "Ovi, meaning 'door' in Finnish, enables consumers to easily access their existing social network, communities and content, as well as acting as a gateway to Nokia services".

According to the video Ovi will both have an Internet site and a desktop application.
It will tie together both the phone management services (settings, phone book management, backup etc), the current Nokia Internet services and also interact with other sites and services.

In terms of Social Networking services Nokia Mosh is in beta currently. Of course you can find me there, I'm user johan. If you are on Mosh please connect to me so we can explore together.



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